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Fuel duty cut equates to £2,000 per year saving on running a HGV.

While the RHA (Road Haulage Association) welcomed the Chancellor's 5 pence per litre cut in fuel duty in his Spring Statement, it was disappointed he didn’t go further and offer an essential user rebate for hauliers and coach operators.

25 April 2022

Fuel duty cut equates to £2,000 per year saving on running a HGV.

Rod McKenzie, RHA Executive Director, said: “Cutting fuel duty is a common sense move and will be a boost for the economy, but more could have been done.

“The Chancellor missed an opportunity to announce a rebate to relieve more pressure on businesses. We’ll continue to press the Government hard for this measure as firms grapple with The RHA has welcomed the Chancellor's announcement of a 5 pence per litre cut in fuel duty in his Spring Statement.

Prior to the Spring Statement, the RHA lobbied for:

  • A one-year delay to the red diesel rule changes with a phased introduction
  • A cut or freeze on fuel duty for diesel for a further two years
  • The introduction of an essential-user rebate for lorry and coach operators

Business Group Logistics UK welcomed the cut: “Fuel is the single biggest expense incurred by logistics operators, accounting for a third of the annual operating cost of an HGV. The cut in fuel duty of 5ppl will result in an average saving of £2,356 per year per 44-tonne truck; this move will help to strengthen the UK’s supply chain during a time of ongoing financial and operational challenges.”

Prior to the Spring Statement, Kate Gibbs, Head of Communications at the RHA, said: “It’s going to be a real struggle with pump prices at the highest I can ever remember. It really is a massive outlay and the more the price goes up the more the price has to be passed on down. You and I are the ones that end up paying at supermarkets.

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